Isabella Kroon

Class Projects

Final projects from my Computation and Design major courses

4 scatterplot graphs with trendlines, 
                    frequency of articles per month separated by media source
Chinese Investments: Data Visualization
retweeting network graph
Sample Viz: Network Graph
Photo of Donald Trump, yelling Face Analysis output. Reads: Is Trump: True. Dominant emotion: angry
Fukushima project: DeepFace AI
colorful map with 2 dirt paths leading to a castle
CodeQuest project: Sample map
topic models, 10 groups of words
Chinese Investments: Topic Model
Figma website wireframes of the current website
The wireframe for this website!
Scatterplot graph with trendline, title sentiment of african stakeholder texts
Chinese Investments: Sentiment Graph
Sample Viz: Wordcloud
Scatterplot graph, title sentiment score vs text sentiment score
Chinese Investments: Title & Text Sentiment Analysis
boxplots, text vs title sentiment score. Negative, neutral, positive boxplots
Chinese Investments: Sentiment Boxplots
Scatterplot with trendline, percentage of keywords per month
Chinese Investments: Data Vizualization
Diagnostic values for topic modelling: 
                    held-out likelihood, residuals, semantic coherence, lower bound
Chinese Investments: STM Diagnostic Values for Topic Model