Isabella Kroon

Code Quest: Code Logic Learning

May 2023

Computation, Society, and Culture (INFOSCI103) Final Project - an interactive game designed for 2nd graders aiming to teach programming logic in a fun and engaging way, while adapting to various reading and math levels.

Over the course of the semester, I, in collaboration with 2 other students, was tasked with solving a real-life problem and designing a solution, from initial idea to working prototype. We had the unique opportunity to test our products with 2nd graders at the local international school, and used their feedback to iterate our project.
We decided to create a game that could teach programming logic to young kids, which could teach basic logic without requiring advanced math or reading skills. My part in this project was to develop the game boards and take notes during our user testing sessions.
The video below shows how a child can use the game to learn 'for' and 'while' loops to navigate a soldier to a castle, while fighting monsters along the way.