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The Impact of FTX’s Bankruptcy on the Ethereum Price

General information

Project Summary

1. Explanation project:

2. Prediction project:

3. Causal inference project:

Table of Contents

Section Description
Data The data section of the three projects
Code The code section of the three projects
Spotlight Some spotlights of the three projects
More about the Author More information about the author
References References used in these projects


Data Source:

Meta Data Information

Data files Data Content Type
Literatures.csv Literatures collected for explanation queried data
title_bigram.csv The title biagram for the literatures collected processed data
abstract_bigram.csv The abstract biagram for the literatures collected processed data
ETHUSD.csv Ethereum historical data from 2015 to 2021 queried data
Ethereum_value.csv Ethereum data after preprocessing processed data
Regression_Train.csv Data for model training processed data
Regression_Test.csv Data for model test processed data
Ethereum_Data.csv The closing price of Ethereum from 2015 to 2023 queried data

Data Dictionary

File Name Variable Name Description Frecuency Unit Type
Literatures.csv Title The titles of 12 literatures related to cryptocurrency prediction 1 None str
  Abstract The abstracts of 12 literatures related to cryptocurrency prediction 1 None str
title_bigram.csv bigram The biagram of titles None None tuple
  counts The frequency of occurrence for each bigram None None int
abstract_bigram.csv bigram The abstract of abstracts bigram None None tuple
  counts The frequency of occurrence for each bigram None None int
ETHUSD.csv Date The date of the collected data from 2015-08-07 to 2021-10-20 daily day Object
  Open The opening price of the Ethereum daily USD float
  Close The closing price of the Ethereum daily USD float
Ethereum_value.csv Date The processed date time from ETHUSD daily day datetime
Regression_Train.csv 6-month-ma The mean value of the closing price for the past 6 months daily USD float
Regression_Test.csv 6-month-ma The mean value of the closing price for the past 6 months daily USD float
Ethereum_Data.csv ETH / USD Denominated Closing Price The closing price of Ethereum from 2015-08-07 to 2021-10-20 daily USD float


Table of Code

Code files Description Type Task Emoji
Haowen_NLP_Explanation.ipynb This code uses the NLP method to generate word cloud and bigram .ipynb Explanation :page_with_curl:
Query_Ethereum_Data.ipynb This code deals with the read and preprocessing of the original dataset .ipynb Prediction :moneybag:
Process_Data_Prepare_X_and_Y_for_Regressions.ipynb This code processed the X and Y dataset from Ethereum_value.csv for regression .ipynb Prediction :tada:
Analyze_Data_Machine_Learning_for_Predicting.ipynb This code applied machine learning method for open price regression .ipynb Prediction :chart_with_upwards_trend:
Analyze_Data_Machine_Learning_for_Predicting.ipynb This code applied the regression discontinuity method .ipynb Causal Inference :paperclip:




Figure 1: Poster of the final project



Figure 2: The word cloud of the literatures on the topic "Cryptocurrency Price Prediction"



Figure 3: The prediction result of ethereum closing price by linear regression

Causal Inference


Figure 4: The causal inference result of the impact of FTX's bankruptcy on ethereum price

AI Ethics Issues

More about the Author



Data Source
